![]() What's new in CouchDB 0.11 & 1.0 Date: This event took place live on June 22 2010 Presented by: Jan Lehnardt Duration: Approximately 60 minutes. Cost: Free Questions? Please send email to Description:This webcasts highlights new features and refines in the latest and upcoming release of CouchDB. It rehashes old solutions to problems that are now way easier to solve. We look at how the new features help you make your life and development work easier. We will cover: Views, Replication, Virtual Hosts & the Rewriter, Authentication. Chock full of awesome! About Jan LehnardtJan Lehnardt is CouchDB's chief evangelist and a CouchDB consultant for major industry players. Jan's has spoken about CouchDB at conferences such as O'Reilly's OSCON and Erlang eXchange. He's a director at couch.io which offers CouchDB Consulting, Training, Hosting & Support. |