Highlights from the O’Reilly OSCON Conference in Portland 2018
Watch highlights covering open source, AI, cloud, and more. From the O'Reilly OSCON Conference in Portland 2018.

People from across the open source world came together in Portland, Oregon for the O’Reilly OSCON Conference. Below you’ll find links to highlights from the event.
Open source and open standards in the age of cloud AI
Tim O’Reilly looks at how we can extend the values and practices of open source in the age of AI, big data, and cloud computing.
O’Reilly Radar: Open source tool trends—What our users tell us
Roger Magoulas shares insights about the open source tools ecosystem based on analysis of usage and search data from O’Reilly’s learning platform.
Live coding: OSCON edition
Suz Hinton live codes an entertaining hardware solution in front of your eyes.
- Watch “Live coding: OSCON edition.”
Drive innovation and collaboration through open source projects
Ying Xiong explains how Huawei collaborates with industry leaders and innovates through open source projects.
Recognizing cultural bias in AI
Camille Eddy explains what we can do to create culturally sensitive computer intelligence and why that’s important for the future of AI.
- Watch “Recognizing cultural bias in AI.”
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
Christopher Ferris says Hyperledger was formed to help deliver blockchain technology for the enterprise. Two and a half years later, that goal is being realized.
The next big wave
Zaheda Bhorat explores the next wave of open source contributions.
- Watch “The next big wave.”
Better health insights by unlocking data
Mahdi Yusuf discusses new ways to unlock potential from the data you generate with smart health devices.
Building with open source at the world’s largest home improvement retailer
Angie Brown explains how Home Depot uses open source in its stores, online search, order management, analytics, and more.
Open source opens doors for vets
Jerome Hardaway explains how Vets Who Code uses open source to create job opportunities for veterans.
- Watch “Open source opens doors for vets.”
20 years later, open source is as important as ever
Sarah Novotny outlines two reasons why open source continues to be important: choice and infrastructure.
Open sourcing quantum: Get ready to help build a new future
Jay Gambetta explores Qiskit, an open-source framework that aims to make quantum computing accessible for everyone.
The importance of community
Patricia Posey draws on her non-traditional journey into tech to illustrate how honest investments can build a sustainable community that is integral to the advancement of its members.
- Watch “The importance of community.”
O’Reilly Open Source Awards 2018
The O’Reilly Open Source Awards recognize individual contributors who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, creativity, and collaboration in the development of open source software.
- Watch “O’Reilly Open Source Awards 2018.”