Highlights from the O’Reilly Velocity Conference in San Jose 2018
Watch highlights covering infrastructure, DevOps, security, and more. From the O'Reilly Velocity Conference in San Jose 2018.

Experts from across the systems engineering world came together for the O’Reilly Velocity Conference in San Jose. Below you’ll find links to highlights from the event.
Reliability from the ground up: Designing for five nines
Astrid Atkinson discusses techniques for building systems that are resilient by design.
The internet vs. your sites: Taking action against internet volatility
Kyle York explores the scale, complexity, and volatility of the internet and the risk it poses to your applications and infrastructure.
Running stateful applications in Kubernetes: Is it worth the risk
Kris Nova looks at the four metrics that help you decide if running stateful applications in Kubernetes is worth the risk.
The secret to building and delivering amazing apps at scale
Javier Garza details the ingredients you need to build and deliver an app your users will love.
Lessons learned while evolving Box’s database infrastructure
Tamar Bercovici details how the team at Box has constructed its database stack to handle an ever-growing query load and data set.
Why Microsoft does DevOps
Martin Woodward shares key data points from Microsoft’s journey to DevOps.
- Watch “Why Microsoft does DevOps.”
Observability of team health: Deciphering and reacting to organizational feedback
Renee Orser explains how to monitor the human networks within your engineering teams using models similar to your distributed technology systems.
JavaScript, security, and the case for feature simplicity
Natalie Silvanovich discusses the link between feature complexity, developer error, and security vulnerabilities.
Jepsen 9: The center cannot hold
Kyle Kingsbury explores anomalies in three distributed systems and shares strategies for correctness testing using Jepsen.
- Watch “Jepsen 9: The center cannot hold.”
Netra Q&A: Scaling resource-intensive APIs
Oracle’s Kyle York and Netra’s Richard Lee discuss Netra’s high-performance computing environment.
Declarative application configuration: Mixing the old with the new
Bryan Liles explains how to evaluate and integrate new declarative application management practices into continuous integration pipelines.
EdgeControl: CDN tools to appease your inner control freak
Dave Andrews explains how to wield the power of a global 50 Tbps application delivery network to ensure maximum availability during and after a change.
Secrets and surprises of high performance: What the data says
Nicole Forsgren shares results and stories behind high-performing technology-driven teams and organizations.
Scaling yourself during hypergrowth
Julia Grace shares how she learned to rapidly scale herself and her leadership team during a period of hypergrowth at Slack.
- Watch “Scaling yourself during hypergrowth.”