Highlights from JupyterCon in New York 2017
Watch highlights covering Jupyter notebooks, data management, collaborative data science, and more. From JupyterCon in New York 2017.

People from across the Jupyter community came together in New York for JupyterCon. Below you’ll find links to highlights from the event.
Jupyter at O’Reilly
Andrew Odewahn explains how O’Reilly Media applied the Jupyter architecture to create the next generation of technical content.
- Watch “Jupyter at O’Reilly.”
Project Jupyter: From interactive Python to open science
Fernando Perez explains how Project Jupyter fits into a vision of collaborative development of tools that are applicable to research, education, and industry.
Jupyter and Anaconda: Shaking up the enterprise
Peter Wang talks about the co-evolution of Jupyter and Anaconda and looks at what’s needed to sustain an open and innovative future.
How the Jupyter Notebook helped fast.ai teach deep learning to 50,000 students
Rachel Thomas shares her experience using Jupyter notebooks to help students understand deep learning through experimentation.
Data science without borders
Wes McKinney makes the case for a shared infrastructure for data science.
- Watch “Data science without borders.”
Labz ‘N Da Wild 2.0: Teaching signal and data processing at scale using Jupyter notebooks in the cloud
Demba Ba explains how he designed and implemented two Harvard courses that use cloud-based Jupyter notebooks.
Making science happen faster
Jeremy Freeman describes a growing ecosystem of scientific solutions, many of which involve Jupyter.
- Watch “Making science happen faster.”
Three movements driving enterprise adoption of Jupyter
William Merchan shares fundamental trends driving the adoption of Jupyter and its deployment in large organizations.
Design for reproducibility
Lorena Barba explores how we can build a capacity to support reproducible research into the design of tools like Jupyter.
- Watch “Design for reproducibility.”
The give and take of open source
Brett Cannon looks at how healthy expectations can maintain a balanced relationship between open source users and project maintainers.
- Watch “The give and take of open source.”
Where money meets open source
Nadia Eghbal explores how money can support open source development without changing its incentives.
- Watch “Where money meets open source.”