Highlights from the O’Reilly Security Conference in Amsterdam 2016
Watch highlights covering security, defense, tools, and more. From the O'Reilly Security Conference in Amsterdam 2016.

Experts from across the security world came together for the O’Reilly Security Conference in Amsterdam. Below you’ll find links to highlights from the event.
From possible to practical: The path for defense
Dan Kaminsky explains why a strong focus on ease of use—for developers, operators, and users—is our only hope for migrating toward a more secure Internet.
My heart depends on your code
Marie Moe shares her experience with being the host of a vulnerable medical implant, and why she started a hacking project to investigate the security of her own critical infrastructure.
- Watch “My heart depends on your code.”
Lessons learned from running big bug bounty programs
Katie Moussouris offers insight into starting and running bug bounties.
The world will see (and just saw) a zombie apocalypse
Phil Stanhope discusses the DDoS attack on Dyn, how attack approaches are evolving, and what you can do about it.
Innovation vs. invasion: Inserting privacy controls and due process into semi-autonomous algorithms
Matthew Carroll highlights the current design model for machine learning and deep learning and discusses new methods that make privacy an embedded feature.
- Watch “Innovation vs. invasion: Inserting privacy controls and due process into semi-autonomous algorithms.”
Conceptualizing attribution and why it matters
Benjamin Buchanan explains why successful network intrusion attribution requires a range of skills—management, time, leadership, stress testing, and more.