Learn JavaScript with these books, videos, and tutorials
This collection of JavaScript resources will get you up to speed on the basics, best practices, and latest techniques.

Whether you’re just getting into JavaScript or you’re an experienced practitioner, you’ll find something useful on our list of JavaScript resources.
The items on this list were curated by O’Reilly’s editorial experts.
Introduction to JavaScript
Use these introductory resources to quickly understand the basics of JavaScript.
Head First JavaScript Programming — Using games, puzzles, and code, this brain-friendly guide teaches you everything from JavaScript language fundamentals to advanced topics.
Speaking JavaScript — This quick-start guide teaches you just enough JavaScript to help you be productive right away.
Eloquent JavaScript — Learn how to write elegant and effective JavaScript code.
You Don’t Know JS: Up & Going — If you have a limited background in programming, this book provides the foundation you’ll need to dive into JavaScript.
Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript — Learn to build interactive, data-driven websites with a potent combination of open source technologies and web standards.
Beginning Programming with JavaScript — Learn the basics of JavaScript, including variables, type-checking, loops, objects, arrays, and array methods.
Going deeper with JavaScript
These resources outline best practices for JavaScript tools and techniques.
JavaScript Best Practices — Transition from JavaScript novice to JavaScript pro by learning the techniques and practices used by seasoned practitioners.
Practical Modern JavaScript — Get a practical look at JavaScript’s parent specification, ECMAScript 6 (ES6), without getting lost in the specification or its implementation details
What’s New in JavaScript — Intermediate JavaScript developers working with Angular and other frameworks, like Ember or React, will benefit from this overview of ES6.
Functional JavaScript — Learn how to create code that’s beautiful, safe, and simple to understand and test by using JavaScript’s functional programming support.
The Rise of Async JavaScript — Dive into the asynchronous functions of JavaScript and investigate various use cases and pitfalls.
Advanced JavaScript tools and methods
Refine your JavaScript knowledge with these resources.
JavaScript: The Good Parts. Master Class with Doug Crockford — Doug Crockford introduces the JavaScript programming language, covering all of the core language features. He points out the good, the bad, and the ugly features of the language as he goes.
Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja — If you’re serious about web development, it’s not enough to be a decent JavaScript coder. You need to be efficient and ready for anything.
Modern JavaScript Architectures: Clients, Microservices, and Containers — Explore two trends driving app development: the shift from the server-based web to rich applications and the growth of microservices running in the cloud.
Writing Universal JavaScript — Learn why universal JavaScript should be taken seriously as an approach to building sites and how to run client-side JavaScript applications on the server.
The Serverless Revolution for JavaScript Developers — Get an overview of serverless computing and learn how you can use it to power your apps at a fraction of the usual cost by using a JavaScript-dominant architecture.