Keynotes from the O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference in New York 2016
Watch full keynotes covering software architecture, microservices, distributed systems and more. From the O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference in New York 2016.

Experts from across the software architecture world are gathering in New York City for the O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference. Below you’ll find links to full keynote presentations from the event.
Bla bla microservices bla bla
Jonas Bonér looks at microservices from the perspective of first principles, distilling it to its essence and putting it within the context of distributed systems.
- Watch “Bla bla microservices bla bla.”
The evolution of evolutionary architecture
Rebecca Parsons looks at common software architecture practices and explains how our use of them has evolved.
Conversational commerce
When a conversational style of user interface is coupled with ubiquitous instant messaging, new opportunities emerge for companies to interact with their customers.
- Watch “Conversational commerce.”
What I learned about architecture from running marathons
Ted Malaska explains how long hours of training, blisters, and shin splints relate to life-changing lessons in software architecture.
Evolving toward microservices: How made the transition
Christopher Grant offers the lessons his team learned as transitioned from monolith to microservices.
Going cloud native: It takes a platform
Chip Childers explains what it means to be truly “cloud native,” what it takes to get there, and how a platform can make it all work.
From static to future-proof: Enterprise architectures in the age of the customer
Thomas Cozzolino highlights the importance of the developer experience, API-first thinking, common data models, and enterprise ecosystems amidst the backdrop of growing customer expectations.
Let’s make the pain visible
Janelle Klein outlines the Idea Flow Learning Framework, a strategy for measuring the friction in developer experiences that makes the problems visible.
- Watch “Let’s make the pain visible.”