Press releases

CSS: The Definitive Guide - CSS in all its Warts and Glory

Press release: November 7, 2006

Sebastopol, CA--CSS is no longer a subject that can be set aside by web designers until they have a convenient time to learn it: its use is more widespread than ever and it's become a fundamental skill in web design. According to Eric A. Meyer, noted CSS expert and author of CSS: The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly, US $44.99), CSS is spreading and taking root in the oddest of places. "It even shows up in client-side applications other than web browsers, like chat clients and dashboard widgets," he says.

"I originally wrote it to explain CSS in all its warts and glory," says Meyer. Now in its third edition, CSS: The Definitive Guide is a complete sourcebook for people working with the language. But Meyer is quick to remind readers that the book is a "guide" and not a "straight-up" reference. "You'd think that would be clear from the title, but some people apparently get confused about that," says Meyer. He also wants readers to know that the book covers what is relevant now: "I didn't spend much time on CSS features that nobody supports."

  • This classic guide shows readers how to put every aspect of cascading style sheets into practice according to the latest specifications, CSS2 and CSS2.1.
  • Updated to cover Internet Explorer 7, Firefox, and other browsers, including the new CSS3 selectors they support.
  • Meyer uses his trademark wit and breadth of experience to explore properties, tags, attributes, and implementations.
  • Covers real-life issues such as browser support and design knowledge.
  • Written for web developers and designers who code; only requires knowledge of HTML 4.0.

Eric A. Meyer is an internationally recognized expert on the subjects of HTML, CSS, and web standards who has worked with the web since 1993. He's also the founder of Complex Spiral Consulting, which includes among its clients America Online, Apple Computer, Wells Fargo Bank, and Macromedia.

Background and Market Information:

Additional Resources:

CSS: The Definitive Guide, Third Edition
Eric A. Meyer
ISBN: 0-596-52733-0, 518 pages, $44.99 US, $58.99 CA
1-800-998-9938; 1-707-827-7000

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