This updated edition offers a tighter focus on Linux system essentials, as well as more coverage of new capabilities such as virtualization, wireless network management, and revision control with git. It also highlights the most important options for using the vast number of Linux commands. You'll find many helpful new tips and techniques in this reference, whether you're new to this operating system or have been using it for years.
With Linux in a Nutshell, you will:
- Get the Linux commands for system administration and network management
- Use hundreds of the most important shell commands available on Linux
- Understand the Bash shell command-line interpreter
- Search and process text with regular expressions
- Manage your servers via virtualization with Xen and VMware
- Use the Emacs text editor and development environment, as well as the vi, ex, and vim text-manipulation tools
- Process text files with the sed editor and the gawk programming language
- Manage source code with Subversion and git
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Stephen Figgins administrates Linux servers for Sunflower Broadband, a cable company.
Robert Love has been a Linux user and hacker since the early days. He is active in--and passionate about--the Linux kernel and GNOME desktop communities. His recent contributions to the Linux kernel include work on the kernel event layer and inotify. GNOME-related contributions include Beagle, GNOME Volume Manager, NetworkManager, and Project Utopia. Currently, Robert works in the Open Source Program Office at Google.
Arnold Robbins is a professional programmer and technical author. He has worked with Unix systems since 1980, when he was introduced to a PDP-11 running a version of Sixth Edition Unix. He and his family have been living happily in Israel since 1997.
Ellen Siever is a writer and editor specializing in Linux and other open source topics. In addition to Linux in a Nutshell, she coauthored Perl in a Nutshell.
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For more information about the book, including table of contents, index, author bios, and cover graphic, see:
Linux in a Nutshell, Sixth Edition
Ellen Siever, Stephen Figgins, Robert Love, Arnold Robbins
ISBN: 9780596154486, 960 pages,
Book Price: $49.99 USD, £34.50 GBP
Ebook Price: $35.99 USD
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