Customer testimonial

The following testimonial was written by one of our learning platform customers at Deliveroo, a UK-based restaurant and grocery delivery platform. They share their experience using O’Reilly in their own words.

A great deal more than technology

“Employees are sharpening their knowledge and learning new skills across a wide range of subjects.”

O’Reilly is one of our strategic partnerships to offer on-demand learning to all employees. We believe in providing friction-free access to high-quality learning universally to all employees, and O’Reilly does just that.

Our relationship with O’Reilly began with our technology teams, who wanted access to on-demand learning across a wide range of technology-based subjects. As our technology teams expanded their use of O’Reilly, other teams became curious and explored the content. They found there was a great deal more than technology, and now O’Reilly is used throughout the company—employees are sharpening their knowledge and learning new skills across a wide range of subjects, including technology, leadership, and management.

We find that the range of media is a particular highlight for employees as they engage with digital books and articles, as well as digital lessons.

Keith McDougall, Director of Learning & Development, Deliveroo