Highlights from the O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference in Berlin 2019
Experts explore new trends, tools, and techniques in software architecture.

Experts from across the software architecture world came together in Berlin for the O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference. Below you’ll find links to highlights from the event.
Cognitive biases in the architect’s life
Birgitta Boeckeler covers some of the cognitive biases that can trip up architects.
The three-headed dog: Architecture, process, structure
Allen Holub shows you how architecture, process, and structure interact, and how to fix misalignment that’s sucking the life out of your productivity.
Modern machine learning architectures: Data and hardware and platform, oh my
Brian Sletten takes a deep dive into the intersection of data, models, hardware, language, architecture, and machine learning systems.
From the trenches: Patrick Kua
Neal Ford interviews Patrick Kua about his career path and his work as an architect.
- Watch “From the trenches: Patrick Kua“
The new norms of cloud native
Cheryl Hung discusses the state of cloud native tools and communities.
- Watch “The new norms of cloud native“
Next data platform architecture: Distributed Data Mesh
Zhamak Dehghani introduces data mesh, the next-generation data platform that draws from modern distributed architecture.