Thinking About Glue
The code that holds our systems together

In Glue: the Dark Matter of Software, Marcel Weiher asks why there’s so much code. Why is Microsoft Office 400 million lines of code? Why are we always running into the truth of Alan Kay’s statement that “Software seems ‘large’ and ‘complicated’ for what it does”?
Weiher makes an interesting claim: the reason we have so much code is Glue Code, the code that connects everything together. It’s “invisible and massive”; it’s “deemed not important”; and, perhaps most important, it’s “quadratic”: the glue code is proportional to the square of the number of things you need to glue. That feels right; and in the past few years, we’ve become increasingly aware of the skyrocketing number of dependencies in any software project significantly more complex than “Hello, World!” We can all add our own examples: the classic article Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems shows a block diagram of a system in which machine learning is a tiny block in the middle, surrounded by all sorts of infrastructure: data pipelines, resource management, configuration, etc. Object Relational Management (ORM) frameworks are a kind of glue between application software and databases. Web frameworks facilitate gluing together components of various types, along with gluing that front end to some kind of back end. The list goes on.
Weiher makes another important point: the simplest abstraction for glue is the Unix pipe (|), although he points out that pipes are not the only solution. Anyone who has used Unix or a variant (and certainly anyone who has read–or in my case, written–chunks of Unix Power Tools) realizes how powerful the pipe is. A standard way to connect tools that are designed to do one thing well: that’s important.
But there’s another side to this problem, and one that we often sweep under the rug. A pipe has two ends: something that’s sending data, and something that’s receiving it. The sender needs to send data in a format that the receiver understands, or (more likely) the receiver needs to be able to parse and interpret the sender’s data in a way that it understands. You can pipe all the log data you want into an awk script (or perl, or python), but that script is still going to have to parse that data to make it interpretable. That’s really what those millions of lines of glue code do: either format data so the receiver can understand it or parse incoming data into a usable form. (This task falls more often on the receiver than the sender, largely because the sender often doesn’t—and shouldn’t—know anything about the receiver.)
From this standpoint, the real problem with glue isn’t moving data, though the Unix pipe is a great abstraction; it’s data integration. In a discussion about blockchains and medical records, Jim Stogdill once said “the real problem has nothing to do with blockchains. The real problem is data integration.” You can put all the data you want on a blockchain, or in a data warehouse, or in a subsurface data ocean the size of one of Jupiter’s moons, and you won’t solve the problem that application A generates data in a form that application B can’t use. If you know anything about medical records (and I know very little), you know that’s the heart of the problem. One major vendor has products that aren’t even compatible with each other, let alone competitors’ systems. Not only are data formats incompatible, the meanings of fields in the data are often different in subtle ways. Chasing down those differences can easily run to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lines of code.
Pipes are great for moving data from one place to another. But there’s no equivalent standard for data integration. XML might play a role, but it only solves the easy part of the problem: standardizing parsing has some value, but the ease of parsing XML was always oversold, and the real problems stem more from schemas than data formats. (And please don’t play the “XML is human-readable and -writable” game.) JSON strikes me as XML for “pickling” JavaScript objects, replacing angle brackets with curly braces: a good idea that has gotten a lot of cross-language support, but like XML neglects the tough part of the problem.
Is data integration a problem that can be solved? In networking, we have standards for what data means and how to send it. All those TCP/IP packet headers that have been in use for almost 40 years (the first deployment of IPv4 was in 1982) have kept data flowing between systems built by different vendors. The fields in the header have been defined precisely, and new protocols have been built successfully at every layer of the network stack.
But this kind of standardization doesn’t solve the N squared problem. In a network stack, TCP talks to TCP; HTTPS talks to HTTPS. (Arguably, it keeps the N squared problem from being an N cubed problem.) The network stack designs the N squared problem out of existence, at least as far as the network itself is concerned, but that doesn’t help at the application layer. When we’re talking applications, a medical app needs to understand medical records, financial records, regulatory constraints, insurance records, reporting systems, and probably dozens more. Nor does standardization really solve the problem of new services. IPv4 desperately needs to be replaced (and IPv6 has been around since 1995), but IPv6 has been “5 years in the future” for two decades now. Hack on top of hack has kept IPv4 workable; but will layer and layer of hack work if we’re extending medical or financial applications?
Glue code expands as the square of the number of things that are glued. The need to glue different systems together is at the core of the problems facing software development; as systems become more all-encompassing, the need to integrate with different systems increases. The glue–which includes code written for data integration–becomes its own kind of technical debt, adding to the maintenance burden. It’s rarely (if ever) refactored or just plain removed because you always need to “maintain compatibility” with some old system. (Remember IE6?)
Is there a solution? In the future, we’ll probably need to integrate more services. The glue code will be more complex, since it will probably need to live in some “zero trust” framework (another issue, but an important one). Still, knowing that you’re writing glue code, keeping track of where it is, and being proactive about removing it when it’s needed will keep the problem manageable. Designing interfaces carefully and observing standards will minimize the need for glue. In the final analysis, is glue code really a problem? Programming is ultimately about gluing things together, whether they’re microservices or programming libraries. Glue isn’t some kind of computational waste; it’s what holds our systems together. Glue development is software development.